Sometimes It's Worth the Wait

Oct 14, 2019

Nothing is more constant today than frequent and fast change. If you struggle or freeze when the unexpected occurs, feel obsolete, or become flummoxed when you meet ambiguity, this book is for you.

Today, it gives me great pleasure to tell you that this book is now available. It took five years to make it happen, but today, October 15, 2019, Unlocked: Discover how to embrace the unexpected is ready for you here.

Unlocked presents true stories of people who have achieved resilience that empowers their lives. There is the amazing story of an 18-year-old who found a new way to learn when the normal sources of information were not useful. There is the story of a Dreamer who is determined to achieve the education his parents brought him to the US to get. There is the student who used her curiosity to push through the discomfort of learning a new subject.

Each chapter presents the background of one of the characteristics of resilient people, tells two or more stories to exemplify it, and then offers you the practice of how to achieve it. In all cases, there are also ‘a few more things to help. This is what some early reviewers have said about Unlocked.

This book is like spending time with a wise friend who has seen and thought about many things we all encounter and has some wise thoughts to say about it all. – Larry Prusak

What a wise and gracious book! The actionable strategies of Unlocked will certainly guide you through your many moments of choice when disruption comes. But what will stay with you from Unlocked is the compassion, the sheer empathy, of Dr. Blair’s approach. Read this book today, before you need it. – David Hutchens, Author, Circle of the 9 Muses: A Storytelling Field Guide for Innovators and Meaning Makers

Unlocked is a bold and timely book that can help all of us be our best, even in difficult and uncertain times. –Dr. Moshe Engelberg, consultant, speaker, and author of The Amare Wave: Uplifting Business by Putting Love to Work.

Through story and example, Dr. Madelyn Blair inspires us to see how “purpose unlocks resilience.” Unlocked is more than a book. Using practical disciplines, it helps anyone find and pursue purpose in the face of adversity. – Katrina Pugh, Author of Sharing Hidden Know-How and Smarter Innovation.

In Unlocked, discover practices that build the capabilities of resilient people. Capabilities that are within reach of everybody. These practices build the traits that prepare you for

• Having more confidence in tough situations

• Knowing who you are when who you are is challenged

• Being at ease in uncomfortable moments

• Having resilience, creativity, and the ability to innovate when life gets in the way.

The journey through the last five years as I researched and explored the many dimensions of resilience has been a challenge. Taking my own advice (as explained in the book), I made it. It’s always nice when your own advice actually works!

Discover the building blocks of resilience in Unlocked!

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